There are countless fears that people develop in life, and some of them can be very hard to handle. The level of intensity of a phobia may cause you to lose control of your life by making decisions based on those fears. When this happens, your life is no longer your own, and you will become a prisoner in a cage of your trauma and worries. Today, we will be talking about aerophobia and how to gain the courage to overcome your fear of flying.
Aerophobia is the fear of flying on an airplane or any aircraft. Even though the statistics show that flying is remarkably safe, the fear of flying has become one of the most common phobias in the world. The symptoms of someone who has aerophobia are:
Aerophobia can be triggered by a combination of other phobias like claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces), acrophobia (the fear of heights), and kinetophobia (fear of movement or motion). Managing all these fears can be difficult but not impossible. Being able to identify the specific trigger to your aerophobia will assist you in overcoming it sooner.
According to this article by Stratosjets, the anxiety of flying is experienced by at least 33 to 44% of all people. Yet 60% of those who suffer anxiety from flying claim to manage it themselves easily. So if you wish to overcome your fear, there’s hope.
Like all phobias, there are ways to cope with and overcome them. The journey will not be easy but recognizing the desire to change is a great first step. To fight aerophobia, you need to equip yourself with the knowledge to do so. Below are a few tips to help you conquer your fear and take back control of your life.
Once you learn the statistics and the details behind them, you will likely feel more assured flying. The likelihood of being in a crash, let alone dying from one, is astoundingly low. According to this article by FlyFright, there was a 1 in 3.37 billion chance of dying in a commercial airline plane crash between 2012-2016. Every day we participate in activities that are more likely to cause harm, like driving a car or walking outside during a thunderstorm, yet we do so with confidence. If you manage to view air travel like these everyday risks, you will feel more at ease during your next flight.
Turbulence is the irregular or violent movement of air that may cause the airplane to shudder. Without proper mental preparation, the unsteady movement will be a horrifying experience for someone with aerophobia. The truth is that turbulence is as common during flights as bumps are on the road. Every modern aircraft is designed to withstand turbulence, and modern technology helps planes avoid highly turbulent areas.
One thing that can help people with severe aerophobia during flight is to avoid a window seat. If you can’t avoid the window seat, then pull the blind down before take-off. Eventually, you want to build confidence by desensitizing yourself of the terrifying view.
Sometimes a good way to cope with fear is to distract yourself with something you enjoy. Airplanes are becoming more and more advanced. Nowadays, you can expect to see movies, music, and games on the flight, depending on the airline. Whatever your preferred method of entertainment, find something that brings you joy to combat your fear.
The best cure to any phobia is to expose yourself to it as often as you can. For example, suppose a person is afraid of spiders. They will start by viewing pictures of spiders, taking small steps until becoming comfortable with having a spider near them. The process of overcoming aerophobia is similar. The more you go on flights and see that everything is fine, the more desensitized you will become about the experience.
The main problem with flying is the lack of control we have once the plane leaves the ground. You can’t slam on the breaks or dodge an errant soccer ball in the sky, so the feeling of helplessness is understandable. A way to alleviate this feeling is by adopting a stoic approach to this irrational fear. Stoicism is a practical philosophy that stresses controlling what you can control and being at peace with what you can’t.
“Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle: Some things are within our control, and some things are not.” – Epictetus
Some of the best travel locations are only accessible by air. It’s difficult to experience the world fully if you’re uncomfortable on a plane. Thankfully we have enough diligent people in the airline industry who spend their lives contributing to the safety and comfort of their passengers. From pilot training to technological advances in the field, the odds of a safe flight are increasingly growing in your favor. You deserve to live your life without this fear, so take the necessary steps to conquer it. Happy travels!